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Home > Jokes and Games > Ken Box (Block)


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Pedro Silva


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Chester, UK


Gavin Wakely

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Milton Keynes

Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Clapping*

If it a'nt broke don't fix it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1142 Posts
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Stansted, Essex


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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado

That is good, but WTF is it he is driving (under the box LOL)

Edited by TurboDave16V on 24th Oct, 2013.

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022

jonny f

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2094 Posts
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Its a razor crazy cart!


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Fuck the box, we need several of those carts, MITP, a large open space, some flat caps and a liberal application of alcohol!

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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10021 Posts
Member #: 1456

Barnsley, South Flatcapshire


If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.

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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado

These are cool as f*&k....

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


These are so brilliant.

In the 13's at last!.. Just


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489 Posts
Member #: 9159
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Haha that's awesome


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16540 Posts
Member #: 4241
King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Sneak them onto the strip at night.

On 24th Oct, 2013 oli79 said:
Fuck the box, we need several of those carts, MITP, a large open space, some flat caps and a liberal application of alcohol!

I suspect my legs wouldn't get in them though *frown*

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

This did cross my mind, also my inherent fatness means that if I sat on one, it would possibly just look like 4 castors stuck out of ny arse!

On 25th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
Sneak them onto the strip at night.

On 24th Oct, 2013 oli79 said:
Fuck the box, we need several of those carts, MITP, a large open space, some flat caps and a liberal application of alcohol!

I suspect my legs wouldn't get in them though :o-(

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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16540 Posts
Member #: 4241
King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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1425 Posts
Member #: 9199
Post Whore


*Clapping* need a crazy kart *tongue*

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile

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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado


Guess what I now own...


On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


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16540 Posts
Member #: 4241
King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

A ford focus?

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it


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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado

ha, funny sod!

All I can honestly say, is that these things are an absolute blast, but are a challenge to get to work as well as the guys in the video!

It is a real balance to get them to do a consistent "powerslide" style drift, and screwing up is very easy to do.

But once you get the knack of it (I'm at about 90 mins right now, at 15 minute intervals) you can look somewhat impressive, and do consistent drifts in one direction - the key now is to practice drifting in the opposite direction...

For sure, a track day, even a drag strip is more fun all said and done; but this is cheap entertainment for when you aren't at the track - or even take it to the track with you and have fun between races or in the evening.

The funniest thing would probably be putting someone in one who thinks (like I did) "how hard can it be?" and stand back and have a good laugh at their expense!

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


397 Posts
Member #: 694
Senior Member


Where did you get one from dave?


397 Posts
Member #: 694
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Im guessing it's this one ?

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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado

Actually, I have got just the standard cart. I'm 78kg, and the smaller one is rated only to 66kg, but it hauls me just fine. The XL is a monster - as in some 130kg lardarse could even fit in it,,, but it is over twice the price new!

I picked this one up used - I'd been thinking about getting one for a couple of weeks, but kept thinking of better things I could spend the coin on, and hey presto, I found myself walking past a "2nd hand store" after running an errand, and there it was in the window for 2/3 retail price, and I knocked them down to 1/2 retail by paying cash, which just happened to be in my pocket (a very rare occurrence). Basically, the planets all aligned, and it was meant to be LOL

Edited by TurboDave16V on 12th Oct, 2015.

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022

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