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Home > Track, Drag & Race > Donnington Track day 07/10/20

jonny f

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Heading along to this day.

Will be camping the night before. Be nice to have some turbo mini friends along!


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Suffolk / Birmingham

Tempting. Think i will have to check the work situation a bit closer to the time.


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I am up for this jonny, I really like donnington on a bike but never tried it in a car.
Besides it will give me a target to get my car put back together.👍
Roy B

jonny f

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On 2nd Jul, 2020 slater said:
Tempting. Think i will have to check the work situation a bit closer to the time.

Book now, worry about work later 🤣

jonny f

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On 2nd Jul, 2020 burcy35 said:
I am up for this jonny, I really like donnington on a bike but never tried it in a car.
Besides it will give me a target to get my car put back together.👍
Roy B

Didn’t realise you rode bikes on track to!

Will be my first time at Donington ever. Have to follow you round.

Home > Track, Drag & Race > Donnington Track day 07/10/20
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