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Another photo dump - sorry for the lack of frequency of updates.

Essentially this is the "roll cage" update. Which is a huge saga. I decided to go for a Custom Cages cage instead of the OTT (for road) Safety Devices cage.. and the CC one turned out to be shit. It didn't fit without a lot of faff, they sent the wrong foot places (twice), and it was generally just sub-pa. Looks nice now it's fitted but I wouldn't recommend it over an SD cage to anyone.

Once it was in, I added a dash bar and removable rear bins. Next job is to move onto making side-mount-mounts for the seats and working out where I'm going to run the fuel lines etc.

Then I am going to have a meltdown as it's bodywork time and I'm really worried it's going to be awful - this is going to be a lot harder to prep than a Lotus!

Edited by AlexB on 20th May, 2024.

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